4 Tips that Every Worker Can Be Doing Now for Personal Security Awareness

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In today’s unpredictable and fragile world, we all need to be equipped with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to stay safe and secure. At Greylake, we believe considering the “human element” is essential in crisis management, violence prevention, and personal resilience to get the most effective outcomes. We work with organizations and businesses to raise awareness of how professionals can prevent workplace violence. Although anyone can be affected, those most vulnerable are; teachers, flight attendants, the service industry, and health care workers.


Maintain Situational Awareness

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 20,790 workers in the private industry experienced trauma from nonfatal workplace violence in 2018. These incidents required days away from work. Developing situational awareness is a crucial component in your personal safety toolbox yet it is sometimes overlooked. Most of the time, we’re just going with the flow of things. Our thoughts eventually wander as we lose track of what’s happening around us and what we are doing, and we let our guard down. Unconscious awareness constitutes the majority of our consciousness; yet, we don’t usually tap into this power. Stay vigilant and learn more techniques that will help increase your safety in the workplace and anywhere.


Recognize Workplace Violence

Your company’s human resources and security departments should train employees, supervisors, and management on the scope of workplace violence, how to recognize and respond to instances of workplace violence, and how to report incidents. Every member of the team should be familiar with security procedures and how to deal with hostile situations and summon emergency help. Your workplace should have a mitigation plan for dealing with workplace violence.


Don’t Take it Personally

When there is a conflict at the workplace, things can get heated. If you encounter this kind of situation, it is essential to keep your composure. When someone is angry or frustrated, it’s not about you. You just happen to be on the receiving end. By staying calm and not taking things personally, it can help lower tensions, develop empathy and keep everyone safe. Learn how to stay in control with Greylake.

Two men sitting and talking

Active Listening Techniques

Undoubtedly, one of the most effective techniques developed to de-escalate hostile individuals and situations is the mirror communication method. Using concepts of de-escalation, it is possible to reduce an aggressor’s wrath and emotional reactivity by using verbal and nonverbal skills and techniques that are effective. A helpful approach for de-escalation is the mirror communication method, which demonstrates understanding and empathy while reducing tension and conflict. If you hear, “this is so frustrating for me!” say things like “I hear how frustrating this is for you. ” This may help validate their feelings and establish trust with aggrieved individuals, which can simplify the healing process for everyone involved.

Learn From Us

Our customized learning and awareness programs strongly emphasize prevention, reflection, emotional awareness, and action to foster a more empowered state of mind. To achieve the best possible outcomes, we use methods based on cognitive science and behavioral psychology principles and practices. Our experiences will change your perspective on your personal safety for the rest of your life.